Quick Update And Another Free Day

I had several friends and family members who wanted to get my books yesterday but could quite figure it out, so I extended the promotion another day. You can still get them until midnight tonight (August 13, 2013) for free. Just go here: http://www.amazon.com/author/cleegibson

Also, I am working on getting all my social media ducks in a row now, so I don’t quite have my Youtube spot up to post this video, but, last night after being free all day I was able to shoot a quick video showing that all of my books are now on the bestsellers list for ever category they are represented in! That is not, obviously, a reflection of how much money they made, but of how popular they are (at the moment). This updates at Amazon if I remember right every hour. It is of course in the FREE category, but that’s okay. It’s fun to see!

Anyway, I’ll be posting that on my new Youtube channel later today (hopefully)! Could still use your reviews/ratings for each book. It really helps keep my books up at the top. No pressure of course, but if you are so inclined, just log back into your Amazon account, go to the product page for each book and be honest.

Thanks again to everyone who helped out yesterday! If you didn’t actually crack any of the books yet there is a download link inside as a thank you to getting the book you might want grab, too.

Categories Are Finally Straightend Out

After several emails back and forth between myself and the Amazon staff we have finally managed to get my books moved to the right categories. This has been a learning experience for me to be sure. Hopefully next time I’ll be able to get it right to begin with. I do appreciate the staff at Amazon for their help with this. It was hard to think that all that hard work would be shuffled off somewhere difficult to find.

I’m not sure why the Gay and Lesbian category isn’t one that can be chosen without intervention from the staff, but as long as they are willing to get it where it needs to go, I’m happy.

Freebie If You Buy One of My Books From the Fairy Tale Collection

Since I have finally finished writing my books and getting them up on Amazon for sale, I wanted to turn my attention to giving that “extra something” to my readers. So I spent a good portion of yesterday setting up a gift for the purchasers of my book. Inside each book there is a link that leads to the sign up page to get your gift as my way of saying thank you!

Currently this is a work by D.L. Moody who is one of my favorite authors and teachers on spirituality. (Don’t worry, I do have the right to make this book available to you!) He was an extremely influential preacher and writer and was the founder of the famed Moody Bible Institute.

His protege, R. A. Torrey, is one of my very, very favorites, so maybe I can give you guys something from him, too.

Hope you enjoy!

Bio Is Uploaded

Boy, that was hard! Writing about myself. That was a true challenge. What to leave in, what to leave out? I have written something which I will probably change a million times, but at least I have moved forward in this enormous project!

Anyone who knows me knows my past is quite colorful and has lots of twists and turns. To just spill it all out there sounds like I’m crazy!

But I’m glad I’ve had the life I’ve had. Sure it would have been nice to not have quite so many bumps in the road (or on my head), but I wouldn’t be who I am. I am liking where I am in my journey and I look forward to liking it more.

Sometimes the details seem important, and other times they don’t. I know I don’t want the details to distract from the important points, but being able to relate to so many people by my many experiences makes it kind of hard to know WHICH of those to leave in and leave off.

So, for now, I’m trying a smattering and hope I hit enough bases to cover what I need to. How did I do?

I Have Sold My First Book!

Thank you, whoever you are, for being the first to buy my book! I didn’t expect to make a sale quite so soon as my books are not yet in the right categories on Amazon, and as I have yet to do any promotion. (I haven’t even told my friends they are up yet!)

So far this has been a rewarding experience. I handed my books off to the good folks at Amazon on the 7th near midnight, and when I woke up the first two were live. Through the course of the day the others went live as well. And before I went to bed that night, you, dear reader, had bought my first one.

I was totally surprised!

Thanks again!