To Thine Ownself Be True by C. Lee Gibson
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Many well-meaning attempts have been made to lighten the load of the gay community in churches. These are commendable. But as I have encountered folks trying to assimilate our community into theirs, I have seen many mislead in ministry who think they are doing what God would have them do, without actually consulting God. They have devised programs and plans, determined courses of actions and goals, and have set about doing their own will, albeit with good intentions, but not able to achieve the results that God’s heart desires.

This writing is a discussion on the role conscience plays on our walk with God as it impacts both the gay community and those who minister to them.

Let us not set about to do our will our way. Let us instead, align ourselves with God, seek His empowerment and leadership, and become tools in His hand to fulfill his purposes of loving those He created.

As my way of saying thank you for picking up this book I am including a free book I think you will enjoy.


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