I Have Sold My First Book!

Thank you, whoever you are, for being the first to buy my book! I didn’t expect to make a sale quite so soon as my books are not yet in the right categories on Amazon, and as I have yet to do any promotion. (I haven’t even told my friends they are up yet!)

So far this has been a rewarding experience. I handed my books off to the good folks at Amazon on the 7th near midnight, and when I woke up the first two were live. Through the course of the day the others went live as well. And before I went to bed that night, you, dear reader, had bought my first one.

I was totally surprised!

Thanks again!

The Site Is Up – Such That It Is!

Just a quick note to rejoice that I have finally gotten the site up. I’m sure there will be many changes along the way, but the framework is in place and I am honing in on how I want this to work and be organized.

I wold not have believed that with all the experience I have setting up sites that it would be so difficult to one so personal to myself. I really thought I’d wiz through it, but it has been agonizing!

Presenting yourself, your thoughts as an author, to others is so dang personal! Anyway, it’s up, but I am still looking at a better look for the site and trying to incorporate all the right seo to get some search engine love!

Now, to the bio, the hardest part!